Ward 1 - Elliott Payne

Council Member Elliott Payne represents Ward 1, a collection of neighborhoods in Northeast Minneapolis.

Minneapolis Ward 1

Ward 1 is in the northeast corner of Minneapolis.

Neighborhoods in Ward 1

  • Audubon Park
  • Columbia Park
  • Como
  • Holland
  • Logan Park
  • Marshall Terrace
  • Mid-City Industrial
  • Northeast Park
  • Waite Park
  • Windom Park

More about Ward 1

Contact us

Elliott Payne

Council Member
Ward 1




City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Benjamin Carrier

Policy Aide



Liam Davis Temple

Policy Associate



This section of the City’s website provides an elected official with the opportunity to share their views. All views expressed are their own. Their views may not represent the official policies approved by the Council and Mayor.