Proclamation of the Mayor
I, Jacob Frey, Mayor of the City of Minneapolis, subject to the authority granted to me pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Ch. 12.29 and Minneapolis Code of Ordinances § 128.50-60 do hereby proclaim the following Emergency Regulation:
Emergency Regulation No. 2020-16
Whereas, on March 16, 2020, I declared a local public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the City of Minneapolis and assumed executive responsibilities attendant thereto; and
Whereas, pursuant to the authority granted to me pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Ch. 12.29, and Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Sections 128.50 and 128.60, I am authorized to promulgate emergency regulations to protect the public health, safety, and welfare during this declared emergency; and
Whereas, it is a priority that race and equity be of paramount consideration in enacting and carrying out emergency regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
Whereas, on April 23, 2020, I promulgated Emergency Regulation No. 2020-11, which imposed several operational conditions and requirements on Licensed Congregate Health Care Facilities in the City of Minneapolis based on the greater incidence of COVID-19 infection and transmission among those working and living in those facilities; and
Whereas, the number of confirmed cases among residents in Licensed Congregate Health Care Facilities has decreased from an average of 55 cases per week in April and May to an average of 7 cases per week in June and July; and
Whereas, the state has modified its guidance to ease operational conditions and requirements on Licensed Congregate Health Care Facilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jacob Frey, Mayor of the City of Minneapolis, do hereby order the following emergency regulation:
Emergency Regulation 2020-11 is hereby rescinded, and Licensed Congregate Health Care Facilities may operate in full compliance with all relevant regulations and requirements of the state of Minnesota.
July 24, 2020