Emergency Regulation No. 2020-2

In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, this emergency regulation allows the City to make purchases and contract for services more quickly.

Proclamation of the Mayor

I, Jacob Frey, Mayor of the City of Minneapolis, subject to the authority granted to me pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Ch. 12.29 and Minneapolis Code of Ordinances § 128.50-60 do hereby proclaim the following Emergency Regulation:

Seal of the City of Minneapolis, MN

Emergency Regulation No. 2020-2

Whereas, on March 16, 2020, I declared a local public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the City of Minneapolis and assumed executive responsibilities attendant thereto; and

Whereas, pursuant to the authority granted to me pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Ch. 12.29, and Minneapolis Code of Ordinances, Sections 128.50 and 128.60, I am authorized to promulgate emergency regulations to protect the public health, safety, and welfare during this declared emergency;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jacob Frey, Mayor of the City of Minneapolis, do hereby order the following emergency regulation:

The City of Minneapolis Finance and Property Services department (the “Department”) is hereby authorized to do the following when obtaining goods and services reasonably related to the Local Public Health Emergency declared on March 16, 2020 (the “Emergency”), without compliance with time-consuming procedures and formalities ordinarily required by the laws of the State of Minnesota or City of Minneapolis, including but not limited to provisions relating to low bids, cooperative contracts, obtaining multiple quotes, and requests for proposals, when in the opinion of the head of the Department it is in the best interests of the City and for good value:

  1. enter into contracts;
  2. incur obligations;
  3. obtain professional services;
  4. rent equipment; and
  5. purchase supplies and materials.

The Department shall consult with the Civil Rights Department on all purchases over $50,000.

The Department shall regularly report all such actions taken pursuant to this Regulation to the Mayor and the City Council. This authorization expires when the Emergency terminates, lapses, or otherwise concludes.

March 17, 2020

See the official signed copy

Amended by Emergency Regulation No. 2020-9 on March 29, 2020.

Expired July 1, 2021.