2024 Permanent medians

This is a Vision Zero project. The City will install permanent safety improvements.

Key information




The intersections of E 35th St / 22nd Ave S and Emerson Ave N / 14th Ave N

Corcoran Near-North

Project overview

The City is working to create safer streets for everyone. The goal of this Vision Zero program is to:

  • Make streets safer for all people
  • Reduce all crashes on our streets, especially severe and fatal
  • Create a more livable, walkable, and safer community for all

The City will be installing permanent concrete pedestrian refuge medians to:

  • Allow people walking and rolling to navigate one direction of traffic at a time when crossing
  • Create shorter crossing distances for people walking and rolling across the street
  • Improve vehicle yielding to those walking and rolling across the street
  • Promote safe driving
  • Lower vehicle speeds

Vision Zero projects

For more information on other Vision Zero safety improvements, visit the Vision Zero projects page.

Project phase

This project is in the design phase.



In Progress


Vision Zero

We can work together to prevent severe injuries and deaths from traffic crashes.

Contact us

Kristian Zimmerman

Transportation Planner
Public Works

