Mayor Frey Calls on City Council to Reconsider Rideshare Ordinance

March 20, 2024

For months the mayor has urged the Council to work with his administration, drivers, and rideshare companies on a compromise ordinance informed by ridership and wage data

Today, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is renewing his calls to the City Council to reconsider their rideshare ordinance (Legislative File number 2024-00146) and align it with the data from the State. As of this morning, Council Member Andrea Jenkins officially noticed her intent to reconsider the ordinance.

The mayor has been clear and consistent in his push to both increase driver pay and ensure rideshare services continue operating in Minneapolis. The mayor would support a rate of pay increase in line with the recently released statewide study and is asking the City Council to send him an ordinance that he can sign into law – one that reflects the data in the State’s study.

“Good policy is balanced policy,” said Mayor Frey. “Thus far, the Council has been unwilling to engage all relevant parties in developing the ordinance they pushed through. But there has been and still is room for compromise to ensure drivers who rely on rideshare services for a paycheck get a raise and riders who rely on the service can continue getting around our city. I’m grateful to Council Members Jenkins and Palmisano for their partnership and willingness to bring this back to the table. Let’s get this done.”

In the meantime, the mayor is convening an initial meeting with key stakeholders to discuss the impacts of Uber and Lyft leaving Minneapolis and to prepare for their cease of operations on May 1. The mayor and his staff are continuing to meet with driver advocacy and labor groups to discuss policy considerations moving forward.
