People who are blind or disabled application

People who are blind or disabled can apply for a Class 1b property tax classification.

Before you begin

What you need

You'll need the following information to complete the application.

Property documents and details

  • 13-digit property identification number from property tax statement

Put your address in the search box of the property information tool to find your property identification number.

Personal information

  • Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Number (TIN) number for applicants occupying the home
  • Mailing addresses of current owners
  • Actual date current residents moved into the property
  • Your phone number, in case we need to contact you about your application

Supporting documents

Your disability or blindness must have occurred on or before June 30 of the year you are filing for the special homestead classification.

  • If you're blind
    • You must include a signed and approved letter or report from your eye doctor stating that you're legally blind, and the date of onset.
  • If you're disabled
    • You must include a letter from a qualified agency certifying that you're:
      • Totally and permanently disabled, and
      • Receiving disability payments with the date of onset

Additional instructions

  • Don't include spouse information if your spouse didn't live in the home the previous year or is deceased.
  • If you're married and own your home jointly, both you and your spouse must sign the application.

How to submit your form

Mail, fax or deliver your homestead application and a copy of your deed in-person to the City Assessor Office.

Do not email completed applications.

Next steps

  • We'll only contact you if we have a question or if your application is denied.
  • Check the Minneapolis Property Information tool or your next valuation notice to confirm your homestead status.

This application is different from the regular/relative homestead application Form CR-1B

Contact us

Assessing Department


Minneapolis Assessing Department
350 Fifth St. S., Room 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1323

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays