Police officer complaint process

Here's how to file a complaint against a Minneapolis police officer.

Who can file a complaint

  • Anyone with information about police officer misconduct can file a complaint.
  • A parent or legal guardian can file on behalf of a minor.
  • A family member, conservator or legal guardian can file on behalf of a vulnerable adult.

You must file a complaint within 270 days (about nine months) of the date of the alleged misconduct.

How to file a complaint

File a complaint online or in person

If you choose to file a complaint in person, we recommend that you print the form and fill it out ahead of time.

Be sure to provide as much detail as possible.


Who handles complaints

The Office of Police Conduct Review (OPCR) handles the following types of complaints

  • Any violation of the Policy and Procedure Manual, including:
    • Excessive use of force
    • Inappropriate language or attitude
    • Harassment
    • Discrimination in the provision of police services. 
    • Theft
    • Failure to provide adequate or timely police protection
    • Retaliation
    • Criminal misconduct

See the Policy and Procedure Manual

Learn more about OPCR's complaint review process

The Police Department's Internal Affairs Division handles the following types of complaints

  • Respect in the workplace investigations
  • Complaints involving civilian employees
  • Incidents that exceed the reckoning period of 270 days

Learn more about the Internal Affairs Division

Minneapolis does not investigate complaints about officers from other cities or agencies.

Your complaints make a difference

Your complaint can make Minneapolis a better place:

  • Complaints let police leadership know about policy violations and illegal behavior. 
  • We welcome public participation in policing. 
  • When we hold officers accountable, we deter future misconduct. We also hope to increase public trust in the police.

Contact us

Office of Police Conduct Review




City Hall
350 Fifth St. S.
Room 239
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday